Horoscope or Kundali matching based on Ashta Kuta. Forecast based on Chandra-Bala, Tara-Bala, Guru-Bala and Gochara-Phala according to your Janma Rashi.ġ4. Gochara or Transit results of all the planets for all Rashi-Nakshatra.ġ2. Muhurta - Hora, Choghadiya, Chogadiya and Tamil Gowri Panchangam (Nalla Neram).ġ1. Panchanga details like Tithi, Weekday, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, Hindu Sunrise / Sunset, Ayana, Abhijit Muhurta, Amrit Kalam, etc., for any date and time.ġ0. Support for different Bhava (House) systems like Placidus (KP), Equal Houses, Porphyry (Sripathi).ĩ. Choose between True Nodes and Mean Nodes.Ĩ. Trikona Shodhana, Ekadhipatya Shodhana and Shodhya Pinda.ħ. Ashtakavarga, Sarvashtakavarga and Bhinna Ashtakavarga of all Planets. Shadbala, Bhava Bala and Vimsopaka Bala with graphical representation.Ħ. Dasha details up to Prana-antara Dasha.ĥ. Different Dasha systems like Vimshottari, Ashtottari, Yogini and Chara Dasha. Shodasha Varga (all 16 Varga) charts like Rashi, Navamsha, Hora, Drekkana, Chaturthamsha, Saptamsha, Dashamsha, Dwadashamsha, Shodashamsha, Vimshamsha, Chaturvimshamsha, Saptavimshamsha, Trimshamsha, Khavedamsha, Akshavedamsha, and Shashtyamsha.Ĥ. Option to share Horoscope PDF using Gmail, WhatsApp, etc, directly from App.ģ. Option to save complete Horoscope as PDF.

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